Get Started with Brisk Teaching

Teacher sitting at her desk working on a laptop - Brisk Teaching Images

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Open any Google Doc, slide deck, YouTube video, or web article.

Try This Practice Doc

Click the Brisk icon in the bottom right corner of your screen to get started.

Light icon  - Brisk Teaching Images

Breeze through your Time-Consuming Tasks

Student feedback tool in action - Brisk Teaching images

Generate Personalized Feedback

Provide instant feedback in four powerful ways to help students improve their work. Watch Brisk work its magic by adding targeted comments directly in Google Docs!

Brisk AI-Driven curriculum animation - Brisk Teaching images

Create Instructional Materials

Quickly develop rigorous lesson plans, slide decks, quizzes, and other teaching resources with ease.

Feedback GIF demo on a students work - Brisk Teaching images

Inspect Student Writing

Watch a video playback showing how students created their writing assignments from start to finish, including any copying and pasting.

Brisk AI Reading levels and translate texts GIF - Brisk Teaching images

Level & Translate Texts

Create differentiated resources from any web article, Google doc, YouTube video, or slide deck in seconds.

Set Up the Extension

Install the Chrome Extension

Pin Brisk to Chrome Toolbar

Ideas to Get Started

Create Presentations in Seconds

Targeted Feedback

Transform Articles and YouTube Videos

Free Up Hours Across Your Workflow

Screenshot "On any google doc" - Brisk Teaching ImagesScreenshot "on Youtube videos"  - Brisk Teaching ImagesScreenshot "On any slide deck" - Brisk Teaching ImagesScreenshot "on Articles" - Brisk Teaching ImagesScreenshot on "Websites"  - Brisk Teaching ImagesScreenshot "On student writing assignments" - Brisk Teaching Images

Deepen your expertise with Brisk PD

Brisk Professional Development Deck  - Brisk Teaching ImagesAccess PD Resources Now!