Craft Personalized Student Feedback in Seconds

June 7, 2024 by Matt Lambert
This is not a live page, or an actual blog post. It is simply a template to display the new style of the blog page. This is not meant to be an exact representation of a live blog post, I have made changes to better highlight the updated styles. Once this template is approved, it will be applied to the live blog posts, which will have all the correct data linked

This is not a live page, or an actual blog post. It is simply a template to display the new style of the blog page. This is not meant to be an exact representation of a live blog post, I have made changes to better highlight the updated styles. Once this template is approved, it will be applied to the live blog posts, which will have all the correct data linked

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You asked, and we built it! In addition to working with entire docs and articles, you can now use Brisk on specific text segments. Here's how: Simply select a segment of text within any doc, article, etc. Then use Brisk to give feedback, write & generate resources, detect AI writing, and/or change the reading level on that segment. We think this is truly a game changer!

AI tools to give students feedback, save teachers time


We've created more ways for you to give meaningful feedback to students. When you click 'Give Feedback' in Brisk, you'll see 2 new options: Rubric Criteria and Next Steps (in addition to your favorites, Targeted and Glows & Grows).

AI feedback generator for teachers, teacher time saving tools


Seeking a more structured way to organize feedback? Now clicking 'Insert' will add Brisk's feedback into a table layout. With this new functionality, the feedback you provide students can be formatted to align with the structured table of your rubric, making it more clear and cohesive.

free AI websites for teachers

Brisk Teaching is the ultimate AI-powered Chrome Extension - built for educators, schools, and districts. When educators use Brisk, they cut the time it takes to prep, assess, and respond to student work in half. See you in the New Year!